We all know that person who boasts about getting by on four hours of sleep a night and others who can’t function without at least 9 hours, but how much sleep do you really need? You spend nearly one-third of your life asleep and even though you know getting a good night’s sleep is important […]
Sleeping With Your Pets
You love your pets and consider them a member of your family, but there isn’t always consensus on where they should sleep. Is sleeping with your pets ok or will it affect your sleep quality? For many, the decision on whether your dog or cat belongs on your bed, or even in your bedroom, comes […]
Best Alarm Clock Strategies
Whether you use your phone, a dawn simulator or an old school alarm clock, it’s estimated that 80% of adults use an alarm clock during the week to start their day. So, what’s the best strategy for using an alarm to wake up? Ideally you wouldn’t even need an alarm to help you get up […]
What are the Colors of Noise?
There’s been quite a bit of buzz lately about using various colors of noise to help with sleep, and while white noise has been familiar to many, it’s the other colors of noise that are getting attention too. All the noises you hear every day are made up of waveforms – a random mix of […]
Watching TV Before Sleep
If you watch television before you go to sleep, you’re not alone. According to a National Sleep Foundation poll 60% of Americans watch television right before falling asleep. But should you watch TV to fall asleep? For many people, watching TV before going to sleep is a nightly ritual and others find the background noise […]
Using Your Phone at Bedtime
For many of us, putting our mobile devices down before sleeping can be downright difficult when there’s always one more email or text we could be answering. So, what’s the best way to use your phone at bedtime? Using your phone before bedtime can interfere with sleep at a time when you want all the […]
Using Melatonin to Fall Asleep
There are a number of over the counter remedies on the market that help you fall asleep. If you want to use a more natural approach there’s melatonin, but how does it work? Melatonin is a hormone naturally found in your body. Its main job is to regulate night and day cycles and sleep and […]
The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults get at least 7-9 hours of sleep at night to stay healthy and alert, and getting that amount of sleep is often affected by preferences and evening schedules, but is there a best time to go to sleep? Sleep experts say there is a window of several hours between […]
Does your partner’s tossing and turning keep you from getting a decent night’s sleep? Wonder if sleeping alone is the solution? While it may seem an attractive option, don’t head to the couch just yet. The choice of whether or not to sleep alone often comes down to things like, whether your partner snores or […]
It may seem strange to think of sound or noise as a sleep aid since sounds can often be disruptive. Research suggests though that certain sounds can help you fall asleep, so how do you pick the best one for you? Here are a few to consider: White Noise is a mixture of different frequencies […]