Rain Rain Sleep Sounds is free to use for as long as you like. Simply downloading and using Rain Rain does not cost you anything.
Within Rain Rain there are sounds marked Premium, and access to these sounds is gained by subscribing to Rain Rain Premium, a paid subscription that gives you access to every current and future Premium sound and removes all advertisements.
When you sign up for Rain Rain Premium, you get a free one-week trial. If you cancel your trial at least 24 hours before the last day of your trial, you will not be charged.
Cancel your subscription or free trial
Rain Rain Premium Subscriptions and free trials are managed directly by Apple or Google Play, and the steps to cancel depend on whether you purchased your subscription on an iOS or Android device.
For subscriptions purchased through the iTunes Store on an iOS device
For subscriptions purchased through Google Play on an Android device
If you have any questions about Rain Rain Premium, please contact support. Remember, we are unable to view or cancel your subscription on your behalf, as the payments themselves are handled by the App Store or Google Play, but we will do our best to help!